To Build

an International Inclusive Children
Development Centre

for Rehabilitation, Education and Empowerment. 

PLAG Season 10

Every child deserves to play. Your donation empowers children to have a day filled with joy, learning, and growth. Be part of something wonderful this Christmas!


PLAY LEARN AND GROW-an Inclusive Play!

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide equal opportunities and empower self-sufficiency through our programs. Your support can help us achieve a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life for all.

Our Mission

Our mission is creating a brighter future through transparency, accountability, and effective results and supporting vulnerable individuals and communities through programs

Our Core Value

“Compassion drives us to go above and beyond for those we serve, making our community a place of healing and hope. Embrace this core value to make a difference with us.”

Our Strategic Objectives

LOCE’s organizational strategies and priorities are strategically linked and have relationships between portfolios (different intervention areas or projects). LOCE employs project prioritization to deploy interventions relevant to its strategic direction. LOCE’s initiatives are focused on the promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to leave no one behind. 

The strategic objectives of LOCE, based on the current level of intervention and fund availability are:

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages through our RHEP project.

To provide care and support services (medical) to vulnerable children, train and educate/equip caregivers at orphanage homes to better give balanced and total child care to children, especially those living with disabilities.

Ensure Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education And Promote Lifelong Learning.

To provide education support by ensuring special needs children are in school and learning. LOCE strengthens the capacity of families, teachers, and caregivers to meet their needs appropriately.

Achieve Gender Equality and Empower all Women and Girls through our Pink and Blue project.

To promote awareness of sexual and reproductive health rights programs targeted at young girls. LOCE works to prevent teenage/early pregnancies, increase girl child enrolment in schools and economically empower them.

Play Learn and Grow (PLAG) Project

PLAG Season 6 - Play Learn And Grow

Our Programs

Rehabilitation and Education Project (RHEP)

This project is a collaborative process aimed at improving the developmental outcomes, participation, and protection of young children with disabilities.

Play Learn and Grow (PLAG) Project:

Physical, social, and mental developments are imperative for the growth of challenged children. PLAG is an inclusive play targeted to help children socialize with their peers

Train Teachers and Parent (TTAP) Project

This is a quarterly program undertaken by the organization for teachers, parents, guardians, and caregivers of physically challenged children.


We use your donations to support indigent children with special needs with physical therapy, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and corrective surgeries as well as their education through primary school.